


  • 提升FR 40/60叉车

欧米茄澳门威斯人平台首页引以为傲的是为澳门拉斯平台首页的客户提供一站式解决方案, especially when customers are dealing with complex circumstances or problems.

ω澳门威斯人平台首页’s brand new location in Idaho had barely opened its doors before our 博伊西机械运动 Crew接到了一个电话:一位在该地区拥有一家焊接和制造车间的客户需要一些紧急援助,因为他有一个棘手的交货问题.


顾客应该收到一个新的 折弯机 和一个新的 剪切, and each machine clocked in at approximately 28,000 pounds. 然而, 客户需要一辆叉车,既要能把机器从送货卡车上抬起来,又要足够小,能开到焊接和制造车间, and so far had not been able to locate a machine with the ability to do so.

Luckily, the customer had heard that ω澳门威斯人平台首页 had recently come to  the area. Our 机械运动 team quickly mobilized to take care of the 交付. Since our 博伊西 location was very newly opened, we even called in members of our team from the 波特兰 地点协助:澳门拉斯平台首页希望绝对确保澳门拉斯平台首页的客户拥有成功交付所需的团队和设备.


送货那天早上, our machinery movers met the line haul truck carrying the new equipment, 用澳门拉斯平台首页提升FR 40/60叉车 to unload and place both machines into the shop safely and without incident. 在与客户会面并完成项目后, 澳门拉斯平台首页还注意到澳门拉斯平台首页两个组织之间的一些协同效应,澳门拉斯平台首页认为这可能是互利的. 澳门拉斯平台首页期待着在未来的项目中与客户合作,以提高澳门拉斯平台首页的运营能力.

对于欧米茄澳门威斯人平台首页团队来说,能够做任何必要的事情来帮助澳门拉斯平台首页的客户取得成功是非常重要的. 澳门拉斯平台首页致力于超越和照顾澳门拉斯平台首页的客户的需求,大大小小的. Our customer was very pleased with the quick and efficient work, and so are we — happy to be up and running in the 博伊西 area, 并创造了一种新的伙伴关系.